
Why should I sign in

Author: Mihai, last modified: 16/04/2023

You can play the game as a guest or as a signed in player.

As a signed in player you get more game features for free:

  1. Save your puzzle history
  2. Participate in competitions
  3. Win rewards

Save Your Puzzle History

Each time you complete a puzzle, the puzzle is marked as played and saved in the cloud. This means that if you later decide to play on another computer (for example if you purchase a new computer) all the puzzles you completed on your old computer will be marked as completed on the new computer as well.

Participate in Competition

Each day you can play a free puzzle of the day. As a signed in player you can to pick a username and password and appear in the competition leaderboard.

Win Rewards

There are several ways to win reward in the game. As a signed in player you can accumulate those rewards in your account and use the reward for purchasing puzzles.